This comes after it was reported that the Libyan Transitional Council was facing fierce resistance on the ground from a faction of the resistance, and there is an urgent need for the presence of Western support for such an authority.
Cynthia McKinney, writer for Global Research, pointed out that the Libyan Transitional Council is facing militias that have great power and are battling each other for more power over the territories. It is the same scene that happened in Iraq and Afghanistan, and in face of the resistance operations that target U.S. and Zionist interests, there are 12 thousand U.S. troops in Malta that are ready to enter Libya at any time to secure oil installations in the country.
It was reported from the Libyan city of Misurata that many of the Libyan oil ports had been destroyed due to attacks from NATO’s aircrafts.
A doctor who was cooperating with the Libyan resistance clarified that all the oil ports are considered to be in a state of occupation by NATO and Western warship, and he revealed photos of Italian and French military camps in the Libyan Desert.
Sources reported that the engineers coming from Qatar and UAE control the oil refineries and forbid Libyan workers who are eager to work in this field from working. At the same time long lines of Libyan drivers stand in order to get gas and western forces are able to continue export operations smoothly.
The sources added that a real hell awaits the U.S. forces if they arrive into Libyan territory, and this is caused by President Obama and leaders of western nations that participated in the campaign against Libya and which left a large number of victims.
Several Libyan sources that this news is not yet confirmed since the head of the Libyan Transitional Council, Mustapha Abdul Jalil, denied all rumors stating that he might allow NATO to establish a military base on Libyan territory.
Tantawi warns
It is worth mentioning that Egyptian press sources revealed that the head of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, Field Marshal Mohammad Hussein Tantawi, told Mustapha Abdul Jalil that Egypt fully rejects the establishment of any NATO base. Despite the fact that NATO officially announced the end of the military operation, there is confirmed Egyptian information that a large number of NATO forces and experts remain in Libya to study and choose the locations that serve as a location to establish military bases in the future.
According to these sources, NATO asked the Libyan Transitional Council to approve upholding several military bases in Libya next to the Western Egyptian border and that in return for facilitating the release of the Libyan Funds frozen in U.S. and European banks in order to begin the reconstruction of Libya.